Jagow's Astronomy Page

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 Deep Sky  



M42 - Orion Nebula - 7d - 03.04.05

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy Pair - DSI - 03.04.05

M13 - Globular Cluster - 7d - 03.04.05

NGC2403 - The Eskimo Nebula - DSI - 02.12.05

NGC3242 - Ghost of Jupiter Nebula - DSI - 02.12.05

Comet Macholz - DSI - 02.12.05

M3 - Globular Cluster - DSI - 02.12.05



Here are some new images taken with the Meade Deep Sky Imager color camera.  The learning curve is flattening out with this camera.  Most are duplicates of previous targets, scroll around and see the previous images.


M15 - Globular Cluster - DSI - 11.13.04

M33 - Galaxy - DSI - 11.13.04

M42 - The Orion nebula - DSI - 11.13.04

M57 - Ring Nebula - DSI - 11.13.04

NGC2403 - Galaxy - DSI - 06.03.04

M2 - Globular Cluster - DSI - 11.13.04




Twenty two new deep sky objects have been added.  These images represent my learning curve with the SAC-8 II CCD camera.  Almost all of these were taken with exposures under 10 seconds, gain at about 50%, contrast at 90% and brightness at 65%.  Each image is comprised of about 12-24 images stacked and processed with Registax.  For the most part, the images are listed in their respective catalog numerical order.



M2 A Globular Cluster - 08.23.04

M3 A Globular Cluster - 06.03.04

M5 A Globular Cluster - 06.13.04

M10 A Globular Cluster - 06.13.04

M11 The Wild Duck Cluster - 08.25.04

M13 The Hercules Cluster - 08.07.04

M15 A Globular Cluster - 08.23.04

M17 The Omega Nebula - 08.07.04

M31 The Andromeda Galaxy - 08.25.04

M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy - 06.13.04

M57 The Ring Nebula - 08.07.04

M57 @ zenith - 08.10.04

M57 The Ring Nebula - 06.01.04

M92 A Globular Cluster - 08.07.04

M102 The Spindle Galaxy - 08.07.04

M104 The Sombrero Galaxy - 08.23.04

M110 Small Spiral Galaxy - 08.23.04

IC4895 A Nebula - 08.23.04

NGC6445 A Planetary Nebula - 08.07.04

NGC7331 A Galaxy - 08.23.04

Unknown, forgot to write it down - 08.23.04

The following sequence of four pictures represent the end of a series that I took using my SAC 8 camera.  The globular cluster is pretty cool in and of it's self, however take note of the streak of light starting at the 10:00 O'Clock position in frame one.  Follow it across the field of view in the subsequent three frames.  My friend George Reynolds who is the Vice President of our Back Bay Amateur Astronomers club, identified the object  by going to a web site that keeps track of nearly everything man has put into orbit around the "Blue-Marble".  He matched up the time and  location and came up with a Soviet satellite named COSMO 1892. 
Thanks George!
The four images are all single exposure "raw" images, the only processing I did was to lighten them so that the streak could be easily seen.  The images were exposed approximately a second each with about two seconds having elapsed between each of the frames

M5 Star Cluster   Frame 1  - SAC 8  06.13.04

M5 Star Cluster   Frame 2  - SAC 8  06.13.04

M5 Star Cluster   Frame 3  - SAC 8  06.13.04

M5 Star Cluster   Frame 4  - SAC 8  06.13.04

M3 - SAC 8 - 06.03.04

M57 - SAC-8 - 05.28.04

M57 Ring Nebula - Coolpix   04.24.04

M13 - Coolpix   02.21.04

M42 Orion's Nebula - Coolpix   02.21.04


More on the way...



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Imagine, a picture of our computer room

C.A. Jagow